Vanuatu National Herbarium: New "Flora of Vanuatu"

Database and Website

The Vanuatu National Herbarium, a unit of the Department of Forestry, is pleased to announce the establishment of a new Flora of Vanuatu database and website. This replaces an older database, based on the PlantNote application. Data from PlantNote had been used to populate the Vanuaflora website, but had become outdated and largely defunct, with no new uploads since 2015. The Flora of Vanuatu site combines database and website into a single function, using the Symbiota platform. The URL is Plant data is available to the public through this website (but sensitive data, such as locations of rare species, are hidden), and through website logins, herbarium staff can access the collection from any computer with Internet access.

Ministerial Order to open Sandalwood Harvest Season

In exercise of the powers conferred to the Honourable WILLIE DANIEL KALO, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity, by the Forestry Act No.3l of 2019, the following Orders are made.

Next National Forestry Inventory soon

Next National Forestry Inventory soon

A workshop organised by the Department of Forestry (DOF) which ended yesterday (Friday) aims to prepare forestry officers for the next National Forestry Inventory (NFI) this year.
Inventories provide the information needed to manage the country’s forest resources. Vanuatu is committed to protecting forest which covered majority of its territory but it needs fresh information that could be mainstream into policy making.


International Day of Forests was also commemorated with tree plantings activity as the main highlights throughout Vanuatu. In Port Vila, the Department of Forests organized it in a very unique way in collaboration with the Prime Minister’s Office, Public Service Commission, and forestry stakeholders were invited to celebrate the day at the Prime Minister’s Office. The Prime Minister and the other officials took part in planting a seedling at the Prime Minister’s premises and at the same time beautifying it with a few endemic species of Vanuatu.


  1. National Forest Events include the International Day of Forests seen highlights and commemorations of the day with tree planting as the major activity nation wide reflecting the “Theme” on “Forests and Water”.
  2. National Tree Planting day on 21st June, 2016 was celebrated successfully and had recorded a total of 24,000 plus seedlings planted across the country.